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Counseling versus Coaching

Counseling Coaching
Past oriented Present & future oriented
Long-term support Short-term support
Unresolved conflict, trauma Solution & goal focused
On-going Clear plan
Responsibility on client & counselor Responsibility on client
Problem focused Growth focused & Possibilities
Self-focused God as our partner
Dwell on weaknesses Build on strengths
Moving back or stagnant Always moving forward


Counseling and coaching are two very distinctive practices. Counselors and therapists have specialized training in trauma, healthy communication, good parenting, effective social skills, mental/emotional and spiritual health, and more. They primarily focus on the past and present and are skilled in uncovering underlying reasons for dysfunction and debilitating conditions such as depression, anxiety, and other disorders. A person in need of healing is not yet ready for coaching and should seek professional help.

Coaching focuses on the present, the future, stability, and growth rather than dysfunction and healing.

Think of a Christian coach like a tour guide who helps you explore your past, present, and future by asking questions. They listen for and focus on the gap between where you are now and where God is calling you to be. Your past must be explored briefly to realize what causes your pain and suffering, your mental blocks, or your reasons for resisting change. Once you have gained clarity, you can then begin to heal and create a road map or plan of action to help you reach your goals.

A Christian coach also listens, offers a place of hope, compassion, and guidance, and will support you with biblical truth and provide resources to help you move forward on your spiritual journey. We are experiencing a mental health crisis in our country. People are in dire need of help and thankfully God equips His people with spiritual gifts to help and serve those in need. Christian-based coaching can help advance God’s purpose in your life.

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms” 1 Peter 4:10