The concept of “quitting” certain activities in your life to become emotionally healthy was inspired by the book “The Emotionally Healthy Woman” by Geri Scazzero and her husband Peter Scazzero. They have written multiple books on emotional health and I would highly recommend them. Geri provides a path to genuine freedom in Christ by quitting the things that damage your soul.
Here are some bullet points to get you started:
- Quit Being Afraid of What Others Think – we were made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) so we must stop relying on the approval of others for our self-worth
- Quit Lying – stop lying to yourself and others and speak truth and your life will change
- Quit Dying to the Wrong Things – quit saying yes to the things that do not feed your soul
- Quit Denying Anger, Sadness and Fear – instead of ignoring your feelings, recognize them, honor them, and experience them in the presence of God and then take responsible and appropriate action
- Quit Blaming – Stop blaming others for your unhappiness; you have a responsibility to speak up and make your own choices
- Quit Over functioning – stop doing things for others that they can do for themselves so you can focus on your calling
- Quit Faulty Thinking – take your thoughts captive: stop mind-reading and speaking inaccurate or negative words and start speaking accurately
- Quit Living Someone Else’s Life – set boundaries, declare what you want, write down your wishes and take the pledge
Geri says: “When you quit for the right reasons, at the right time, and in the right way, you’re on the path not only to emotional health, but also to the true purpose of your life.”
Start quitting those things that no longer serve your purpose!